How Much Does Roof Restoration Cost in Melbourne?

How Much Does Roof Restoration Cost in Melbourne? Truth Vs Misconception

Many people are often confused and wonder exactly how much does roof restoration cost in Melbourne. The confusion is because there’s a big misunderstanding about the amounts they have to pay to fix their roofs. Our recent YouTube video, “How Much Does Roof Restoration Cost in Melbourne,” is here to clear things up and help you understand the truth.

The Misconception

Lots of people think they can get their roof fixed for less than $5000. They see ads promising cheap restorations for as low as $1800. But these ads are usually not true. They often end up being scams that leave people disappointed. The fact is that it is not possible to get proper roof restoration that is up to code for that amount of money.

The Truth Why It Costs More

There are a few reasons why a roof restoration costs more than people expect. First, we have to put up safety rails, which can cost about $1000 for each job. Then, we need to hire skilled workers, which can cost more than $500 a day. And a typical restoration can take 3-5 days. So, you can see how the costs can add up fast.

Better Materials Mean Higher Costs

Using good materials is important for making sure your roof stays strong for a long time. But these materials can be expensive and can add up to the roof restoration cost per item and square metre depending on the size of the roof. For an average-sized roof, premium materials can cost over $1250. And don’t forget about other costs like insurance, machines, and replacing broken tiles – they all add to the bill.


So, the next time you see an ad promising a cheap roof restoration, remember what you learned from our YouTube video, ” How Much Does Roof Restoration Cost in Melbourne.” By understanding the true costs involved, you can make better decisions about fixing your roof. If you want more advice or help with your roof, get in touch with us. We’re here to make sure your roof gets the care it needs, without any surprises.

Let our team here at Roof Makeover Specialist make sure your roof stays strong and safe for years to come!

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